Pet Dental Care

It’s a common misconception that all you need to do to keep your pet’s teeth clean is to feed dry food. Although dry food will help scrape some plaque off your pet’s teeth, it does not get everywhere. You need to brush your pet’s teeth or take them to your veterinarian for a pet dental cleaning, such as at Granada Veterinary Clinic in Mission Hills, CA.

Pet Dental

Common Pet Dental Problems

Pets can suffer from many oral health issues. These include broken teeth, bad breath, tooth infection and birth defects that can lead to tooth loss. The far most common problem is periodontal disease, also known as gum disease. About 75% of all dogs and 70% of cats suffer from it by the time they are three years old.

Periodontal Disease in Pets Is Serious

Periodontal disease not only causes bad breath, tooth pain and tooth loss, it can also damage your pet’s heart, liver and kidneys. The plaque responsible for periodontal disease eventually gets into your pet’s bloodstream, where it is transported to the heart, liver and kidneys. Dental plaque has also been the cause of meningitis in cats.

Signs Your Pet Has Dental Problems

Your pet needs to see your veterinarian when showing signs of dental problems. These include bad breath, eating with the head tilted to one side, dropping food when eating more than usual, swelling of the mouth, not letting you touch the mouth or head, discolored teeth, pawing at the mouth more often than usual, drooling more often, blood coming from the mouth or gums, broken teeth, lack of appetite and sudden weight loss.

Cat and Dog Teeth Cleaning

Your pet will be given an oral exam. If your pet has a tooth infection or needs any teeth removed, it needs to be done under anesthesia. If your pet’s mouth shows signs of periodontal disease, your pet will need a cat or dog teeth cleaning done by your veterinarian. This needs to be done under anesthesia because pets do not stay still long enough for a complete dental cleaning. Even with regular brushing, it is recommended that your pet gets a veterinary dental cleaning once a year.

Brushing Your Pet’s Teeth

Only use toothpaste made specifically for pets, since human toothpaste can make your pet very sick. Even brushing a few teeth a day is better than nothing. If you do not know how to brush your pet’s teeth, ask your vet to show you how to do it.

Still Have Questions?

If you have further questions about how to take care of your pet’s teeth and live in the Mission Hills, CA, area, contact Granada Veterinary Clinic at (818) 361-0125 to make an appointment today. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


cat and dog cuddling

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